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Fishery Wastes ( / MT)
Waste products from processing fish
To purchase a Report, check mark the boxes of the reports you wish to purchase and click "Order Now"

2022 Quarter 4 Report $15
2023 Annual Summary Report (Quarterly reports are included with annual summary) $42.50
2023 Quarter 1 Report $15
2023 Quarter 2 Report $15
2023 Quarter 3 Report $15
2023 Quarter 4 Report $15
2024 Quarter 1 Report $15
2024 Quarter 2 Report $15
Enter your email and click 'Order Now'

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Historic Price Reports

The Historic Price Reports are Quarterly and Annual Historic Market Price reports available for purchase by specific grade(s) of material.

The Historic Price Reports will include monthly detailed daily price charts, as well as monthly, quarterly and annual graphs (where applicable). The reports, once purchased, can be view online at any time.

Quarterly Reports - $15 / Grade

  • One (1) Quarterly Graph
  • Three (3) Monthly Graphs
  • Three (3) Monthly, Daily Price Charts
  • Annual Reports - $42.50 / Grade

  • One (1) Annual Graph
  • Four (4) Quarterly Graphs
  • Twelve (12) Monthly Graphs
  • Twelve (12) Monthly, Daily Price Charts
  • When available, you will receive both Truck-Load(TL) and Less-Than-Truck-Load (LTL) spot market prices

    Example of a Monthly Chart & Graph:

    The Historic Price Reports are derived from current spot market prices originating from ScrapIndex.com.

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