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Mixed Brass & Bronze Scrap
Mixed Brass & Bronze shall contain assorted Clean Brass & Bronze solids
Scrap Refinery Brass
Refinery Brass shall contain a minimum of 61.3% copper and a maximum of 5% iron and is to consist of copper, brass and bronze alloyed metal.Must be free of non-metallic materialsEquivalent to ISRI code DRINK
Scrap Red Brass Solids
Red Brass Solids shall consist of red brass solids scrap and may consist of valves, machinery bearings and other red brass solids consisting primarily of copper with tin/zinc/lead alloysISRI code EBONY is included in this grade.
Red Brass Turnings
Red Brass Turnings shall consist of Turnings, Borings & Grindings from red brass solids ISRI code ENERV is included in this grade.
Old Yellow Brass Scrap
Yellow brass solids including sheet, rod, tubing, castings, including plated materials. Must be free of aluminum bronze or manganese bronze. equivalent to ISRI code HONEY.
New Brass Clips Scrap
New Brass Clips shall consist of unleaded yellow brass clipping including 70/30 clips.This grade is included in ISRI code LABEL
Yellow Brass Turnings
Yellow Brass Turnings shall consist of yellow brass turnings, borings or grindings.ISRI code Nomad is included in this grade.
Scrap C Metal
C Metal shall consist of sorted red brass plumbing cocks.
Scrap C&F Metals (cocks & faucets)
C&F Metals (cocks & faucets) shall consist of mixed clean red & yellow brass plumbing cocks & faucets, including nickel/chrome plated parts, must be free of zinc die cast & aluminum parts.ISRI code GRAPE is included in this grade.
Clean Auto Radiator Scrap
Iron free mixed copper/brass automotive radiators, may not include aluminum radiators. Typical composition is 70% Copper, 3-3.5% Tin, 10-11% Zinc and 7-8% Lead. Equivalent to ISRI code OCEAN.
Unclean Auto Radiator Scrap
Unclean Auto Rads shall consist of mixed copper/brass automotive radiators with iron frame or supports still intact, (iron not to exceed 4% of total weight), may not include iron finned Rads or aluminum Rads.
Heater Core Scrap
Heater Cores shall include clean copper/brass automotive heater core radiators.
Scrap Aluminum Bronze Solids
Aluminum Bronze Solids shall consist of aluminum bronze alloy solids with a typical analysis of 78-90% Copper, 8.5-11.5% Aluminum, 1.0-5.0% Iron and may contain up to 5% Nickel.
Aluminum Bronze Turnings
Aluminum Bronze Turnings shall consist of aluminum bronze alloy turnings, borings or grindings.
Scrap Nickel Silver Solids
Nickel Silver Solids shall consist of clean nickel/silver alloys, including sheet, rod, castings, may not include other alloys or foreign materials. Please note that this material contains no Silver (Ag) and is also called German Silver. It is typically made of an alloy of 60% Copper, 20% Nickel and 20% Zinc (usually non-magnetic.) ISRI grade MALIC is included in this grade.
Nickel Silver Turnings
Nickel Silver Turnings shall consist of nickel/silver alloy turnings, borings & grindings.Equivalent to ISRI code NIECE
Scrap Manganese Bronze Solids
Manganese Bronze Solids shall consist of manganese bronze alloy scrap with a minimum of 55% copper and a maximum of 1% lead.The typical chemical composition is 58% Copper, 39% Zinc, 3% Iron Equivalent to ISRI code PARCH
Manganese Bronze Turnings
Manganese Bronze Turnings shall consist of turnings, borings or grindings of manganese bronze alloy scrap.
Brass Wire Nodules
Brass Wire Nodules shall consist of clean brass wire nodules, from a chopping or shredding operation. Free of aluminum wire and foreign isolation materials.
Clean Brass Wire Scrap
Clean Brass Wire shall consist of clean brass wire free of aluminum and other foreign materials.
Insulated Brass Wire Scrap
Insulated Brass Wire shall consist of plastic insulated brass wire.
Mixed Wire Connector Scrap
Mixed Wire Connectors shall consist of mixed coated (plated) & uncoated electrical wire connectors.
Brass & Bronze Dross
Brass & Bronze Dross shall consist of brass & bronze slags & skimmings from melting operations
Scrap Irony Brass & Bronze
Irony Brass & Bronze shall consist of brass & bronze solids with a maximum iron content of 10%.