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Mixed Wool Stock
Assorted woolen items, sorted to be free of non-woolen and synthetic materials but not graded into specific wool stock grades.
Wool Fiber Wastes
Wool Fiber Wastes contains wool thread, trimmings, cuttings or sheaded woolens and may include woven or matted wool fibers.
Mixed Wool Knits Scrap
Mixed Wool Knits shall consist of assorted colors of scrap wool knitwear and may include socks, sweaters and blankets.
Rough Worsteds Scrap
Rough Worsteds shall consist of scrap wool pants, suit jackets, and worsted woolen clothing of assorted colors.
Rough Wool Overcoating Scrap
Rough Overcoating shall consist of assorted colors of scrap wool overcoats, pea jackets, mackinaws, snow suits.
Used Clothing ~ Woolen Knits
Used Woolen Knits shall consist of assorted colors of wool knitwear and may include socks, scarfs, sweaters and blankets.
Used Clothing ~ Worsteds
Used Worsteds shall consist of pants, suit jackets, and worsted woolen clothing of assorted colors.
Used Clothing ~ Wool Overcaots
Used Woolen Overcoating shall consist of assorted colors of wool overcoats, pea jackets, mackinaws, snow suits.