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Used Flexible Intermodal Bulk Containers
Used Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC) include bulk shipping and storage bags with an approximate size of 48" x 48" 48" and a strength capacity in excess of 1,500 lbs. (may or may not have a bottom drop spout)The exact size, strength, drop spout details and prior use should be clearly stated.
Used Jumbo Bulk Bags
Used Jumbo Bulk Bags include bulk shipping and storage bags with an approximate size of 48" x 48" 60" and a strength capacity in excess of 4,000 lbs. (may or may not have a bottom drop spout)The exact size, strength, drop spout details and prior use should be clearly stated.
Used Cotton/Canvas Bags
Used Cotton/Canvas Bags include various sizes of reusable cotton or canvas bags.The size and prior use should be clearly stated.
Used Burlap Bags
Used Feed Bags include a variety of reusable burlap, jute or sisal bags including common potato sacks, coffee bean bags, grain sacksThe size and prior use should be clearly stated.
Used Fruit & Vegetable Bags
Used Fruit & Vegetable Bags include a variety of sizes of bags with a wide web including common onion sacks, orange & grapefruit bags.The size and prior use should be clearly stated.